Do you own or work at a business located near or serving Vista del Mundo? Show your pride in the community and become a sponsor! Becoming a sponsor is a smart way to show that your business cares about our residents and the hard work our neighborhood association puts into making Vista del Mundo a wonderful place to live and work.
What does your sponsorship provide?
Your sponsorship helps fund our website, community improvement projects, and the VDMNA community newsletters that keeps our residents informed about neighborhood happenings, opportunities to shape local policies, and the spirit of friendship and community that sets Vista del Mundo apart. While our website and online media keep many residents in the loop, our yearly newsletter is printed and delivered to approximately 550 homes in the the neighborhood, an important part of our outreach to connect with neighbors who may not have internet access.
How does sponsorship benefit you?
Our success is made possible with the support of local Vista del Mundo businesses. Our sponsors are featured in our newsletters introducing your products and services to your prime targeted audience — a customer base of hundreds who are eager to eat, shop, and conduct business by Vista del Mundo.
Sponsors are also invited to set up a table at our annual National Night Out Celebration (a neighborhood event held on the first Tuesday of every August) to promote their businesses and have one on one conversations with our members.
How can you become a sponsor?
Please send us your contact information. We will reach out to you with pricing and ad requirements.