Good Neighbors Make Great Neighborhoods!

We are a group of neighbors working together to improve the value, safety and beauty of our neighborhood and to promote connections through social activities.

NeighborFest! 2024

All VDMNA members are invited to our first-annual NeighborFest! on Saturday 09/28/24 at 5:00 PM at the Ferreri home. More information in the form below. Please RSVP at the form below or by contacting VDMNA Treasurer – Kristin Flores (505-263-8225). RSVP deadline is 09/25/24.

Our Mission

  • Act as a catalyst to improve the quality of our neighborhood
  • Enhance our property values, and represent our area to city, county and state officials
  • Build community: beautify our neighborhood; maintain our park
  • Preserve a safe, quiet environment and oversee adherence to our neighborhood covenants

Neighborhood Enhancement

The current value of neighborhood properties continues to reflect our deep commitment to maintaining a thriving and appealing community.  We are responsive to neighbor’s concerns regarding common areas that are in need of weed abatement and attention.


We love getting to know our neighbors.  VDMNA organizes many events throughout the year like Movies in the Park, New Neighbor Meet & Greets, and More.

See our event calendar for details.

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